Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Before I even discuss the problem on who is responsible for obesity, let me first ask you. What is obesity?

Obesity means having too much body fat which may be a threat to your health. You can use a ‘Body Index Mass’, which is a combination of your weight and mass, to see if you are obese. If your BMI is 30 or above, it means that you should start exercising to be more fit.
So, who is responsible for obesity?

Well, the answer is you. Fast food is one of the causes for obesity. Do you remember the many advertisements of hamburgers looking very delicious, french fries being sprinkled with salt, and the advertisement ending off with a free soft toy for every meal bought?  Have you ever noticed the fact that many children would beg their parents to have fast food as a meal just for the sake of getting a toy? These attractive promotions are main contributions to a person’s obesity. They make you crave for even saltier food which causes us not to want to eat our broccolis and these make you become fatter. When you are fat, you will become even lazier and will not want to exercise. In the end, the extra calories that you have accumulated will not be able to be burn off and the calories will be stored as body fats.
An awesome burger we have here
Have you ever wondered where fast food is ever called fast food? It is because the food is prepared very quickly. That is also another reason why people purchase fast food and this leads to obesity. People usually do not have sufficient time to sit down and queue up just to have a proper meal hence they resort to eating fast food. Do you know how they can make burgers and fries so quickly to serve it to you? It may be because the burgers have been frozen and heated up just before it is given to you. Fries are made in large factories, frozen and processed and this kills all the vitamins in the food.
Feeling hungry?

Can you imagine if we lived in a world where only fast food existed? All of us would probably become obese in a week due to the big amount of fat, salt and sugar we consume each time we eat fast food! Many people have commented that the citizens in USA are the fattest in the world. Why is that so? The Americans eat fast food far too often, they are practically obsessed with it! My father went to the United States before and he tried ordering some fast food one day. The first thing he told me was, “The serving of one fast food meal is twice as big as the ones in Singapore! One or two meals there can probably feed our family till they feel very full!” Well, his reaction made me think. As the demand of fast food by the Americans can higher, the serving of each meal will definitely become greater. This explains why the rate of obesity in USA is increasing gradually.

Ask yourself these questions. Is it worth risking your health just for delicious food? Yes I know that fast food is not only convenient but it is also filling. However, is it worth risking your health just for the fact that fast food is filling and convenient? Is it worth being obese just for a toy where you can get it bought anywhere? And lastly, are you willing to spend more money for your health problems in future just because you were lazy and wanted to buy food that is cheaper? Whoever who is reading this, if your answer is no, then continue having your fast food and end up suffering in the future. If your answer is yes, then I hope that you will start changing your habits and have a more balanced diet.
Start exercising early! ( or else you may end up like her)

Although fast food contributes to obesity, it isn’t the only cause of obesity. There are other causes like not exercising regularly, eating food with too much fats in them and so on.
All in all, the main and sole person who is responsible for obesity is YOURSELF because you are the one that has the decision to choose what kind of food you want to consume. 

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